ibram x kendi ted talk summary

Now, thats not to say some people are not doing the real hard analytical and empirical work he calls for. Visit http://TED.com to get our entire library of TED Talks, transcripts, translations, personalized talk recommendations and more.There is no such thing as being \"not racist,\" says author and historian Ibram X. Kendi. Kendi accurately paints a picture of Americas racist past, but he wants to racialist America today and in the future, essentially turning society into a prison yard. And so what do you think of the big training investment, if its not really matched by other things, particularly if you dont really do the work on whether or not these trainings work? What are the policies that happen alongside of it? But when we chatted the last time, I remember and I went and revisited the conversation recently. Were you glued to the confirmation hearings or did someone tip you off to what was happening? Im Ezra Klein, and this is The Ezra Klein Show. [MUSIC PLAYING], I remember reading Ibram X. Kendis How To Be An Antiracist back when it first came out. WebHill meets Ibram X. Kendi, who argues in favor or the teaching of systemic racism and critical race theory in schools, and The Heritage Foundation's Mike Gonzalez, a conservative, argues against. Those are two different things, and I think I wanted to really push to ensure were understanding these as dangerous unemployed neighborhoods. I think first and foremost, when we think of the funding that U.S. police receive, I dont think many Americans know that, I think a recent study found, that the combined funding of the U.S. police forces is more than every other military in the world except the Chinese and the American military. And then we talk, of course, about the right-wing backlash to his ideas and the way the anti-critical race theory movement has used him as their central villain. I see products, but I dont see that kind of consequentialist analysis that would let people say with confidence, yeah, were doing this, and we really have reason to believe it will have the effect we want it to have, as opposed to, were doing this because it makes us look like good people. That you really define this in terms of a racist act or policy is one that increases racial inequality, whatever the underlying sentiment. An example running through my head as you were talking is I recently did an interview with former President Obama. White Americans dont know that some studies show that the majority of white Americans were against secession in the South. So to be able to have a really data-informed guess that this will cut child poverty in the white community by a third Im just throwing out a number this number of white children, and Black children, and Native children, and Latinx children, this is the potential impact could help to shape that larger discussion. I definitely think that that is still operating, and I think Donald Trump in particular was great, for the lack of a better term, at making particularly white working class, non-college educated men feel as if they were somebody in his eyes or they could be just like him or they were him in the way the slaveholder made those non-slaveholding whites believe that every laborer is a slaveholder. Intersectionality refers to the way that different forms of inequity work together: they are created by the same powerful, self-interested people and institutions, and they overlap. And if thats the case, then it makes sense that you need police, well-funded police, who can basically control those animals because theyre the cause of the crime. But still, some people decided that they were going to do the unthinkable. Because I think what youre arguing, and I think its true in a lot of cases, is sometimes its a political strategy or sometimes its a moment that can make the previously politically unthinkable not just thinkable but doable, even necessary. IBRAM X. KENDI: I think first and foremost, when we think of the funding that U.S. police receive, I dont think many Americans know that, I think a recent study found, that the combined funding of the U.S. police forces is more than every other military in the world except the Chinese and the American military. I think is such an important point. But there should be a synthesis available here. The book became a central text of the post-George Floyd moment. freestar.config.enabled_slots.push({ By the end of the summer, more and more people were asking, how can I raise my child to be anti-racist? So I take your point that there are spaces where if you dont fight, its never going to happen. We have to analyze it. I think thats whats also been striking to me, that you can have such prominent white supremacist thoughts dominating the Republican Party that even Donald Trump himself isnt necessarily driving. An example running through my head as you were talking is I recently did an interview with former President Obama. I saw that thats what people were looking for, and I try to be responsive. Can you talk me through that? And he told the New Yorker he only learned about critical race theory in the first place by digging through the footnotes of How To Be An Antiracist. Diversity training, school curricula are built atop it. So when people hear about that person who was drinking and driving or that person who killed somebody because they were drinking and driving, it doesnt cause them to think they dont perceive that as them thereby living in a dangerous neighborhood. Its really his enemy in the book. And so they had to appeal to the changing demographics of the country. In other words, they come into the company and train the individual so the individual can be better or be more aware or recognize even potentially their racist ideas. And I think the more white people learn about white American history and the ways in which certainly white people have benefited and been privileged as a result of the effects of racism, but also the ways in which they have not been, I think would allow people to really complicate themselves and their history in this country. IBRAM X. KENDI: I think whats being described as critical race theory is any analysis, critical analysis, of race or racism in this country that does not position this country as post-racial, any attempt to hold people who are being racist accountable, any attempt to have a clear and complex multivariate approach to American history, whereby we actually document and talk about and teach about the history of racism in this country, and certainly attempts to create outcomes that are more equitable and just. Because to create the world that you talk about under the rubric that youre putting forward here, you would really need a huge new architecture actually testing policies and approaches and political approaches and trainings and so on. And so I could completely understand how that would not necessarily be that effective. And so on the one hand, my view is that the evidence suggests it has really bad effects to take police away before you have solved the criminogenic conditions problem. And that then allows us as a community, as a multiracial community, or even within the Black community, if on the one hand its going to help, on the other hand, its going to hurt, to essentially make a decision. Doctors Note Issue 18 Sometimes you have to boil the ocean In this issue: My online courses / Anti-racism is a marathon, not a sprint / Boiling the Ocean / Beyond the Double Diamond / The Linkhole / Book Corner And an antiracist act is one that decreases racial inequality, whatever the underlying motivation. I think thats whats also been striking to me, that you can have such prominent white supremacist thoughts dominating the Republican Party that even Donald Trump himself isnt necessarily driving. And Ill give the example here of open borders, which is a policy that undoubtedly, like, you look at the economics, almost nothing we could possibly do would be better for reducing global inequality. As we usher out 2020 the (enter superlative of your choice) year lets take a moment to look back before we close the door for good. Its very, very hard to get a person to do that in the matter of a few hours or in the matter of time that most of these trainings are. I think the corporate example is an interesting one here because one of the things youve seen over the past year is a huge investment in diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings in companies. So I found that actually it was racist policies that were then leading to racist ideas. And then the other side of this question becomes, what is the cause of crime? Celebrating Labor Activist Dolores Huerta. How do you tell the difference between somebody who is a consequentialist antiracist in the way you describe it and somebody who is wielding the book, wielding the term because it makes them feel good or they think it brings social status now, as opposed to because theyre actually doing the kind of analyses that youre proposing. And I think that has really scared these politicians who bank on and really prey on white Americans who believe, at least racism is good for them, so theyre going to continue to defend it. And this was really the subject of our last conversation. And you argue the opposite in the book, that you change the policies first and peoples hearts and minds follow, that its policy-centric. A monthly newsletter on the global fight for reproductive freedom. And I think that if there was anything thats happened over the last year that I think is clear to everyone is that the growing numbers of white Americans who not only marched and were among the tens of millions of people who demonstrated against racism and police brutality last summer, but the number of white Americans who are telling pollsters that, yeah, racism exists, and its a huge problem. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Because it often seems to me theres a question of, well, what is the racial inequality impact right now? But typically, those policies were able to be instituted in the context of a crisis. Youre welcome. It doesnt matter why youre doing it. Has that been intentional to just start anti-racism earlier and earlier? But there are a lot of policies you can make the argument, at least that have really mixed effects. And just as Jonathan Metzl wrote in his book, were not talking about the epidemic of white men dying by suicide via handguns specifically in states where theyve rolled back gun control policies. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. Last Updated on February 25, 2021, by eNotes Editorial. In all seriousness, I think, in that case, we really would have to think very deeply about, how do we convey and promote this policy in a way that is not going to then lead to this reactionary sort of response. Racist ideas follow from racist policies. Note: When citing an online source, it is important to include all necessary dates. Christopher Rufo, whos sort of the architect of this push, said youre a leading figure in the critical theory movement. He was interviewed by Laura Flanders with Mitra S. Kalita and Sara Lomax-Reese, the cofounders of URL Media, on The Laura Flanders Show on April 6. What if the cause is the lack of mental health services? So let me then ask always a final question here. But I also think there are a lot of moments where thats not true, a lot of policies where thats not going to happen. Refine any search. At the end of the day, one of the net effects of racismaside from people literally losing their livesis misery. IBRAM X. KENDI: I definitely think that that is still operating, and I think Donald Trump in particular was great, for the lack of a better term, at making particularly white working class, non-college educated men feel as if they were somebody in his eyes or they could be just like him or they were him in the way the slaveholder made those non-slaveholding whites believe that every laborer is a slaveholder. Youve proposed a constitutional amendment that would block policy that would add racial inequality. And I think that the antiracist framework says, you got to take that really seriously. The University Cannot Be Decolonized The young nation needed slaves to have any economic prospects, and thus slavery and Capitalism became inextricably intertwined, an issue which only deepened during the Civil War. And on the other hand, you cant ignore the bad effects of having heavily overpoliced communities. And when Im writing Stamped From The Beginning and when Im writing How To Be An Antiracist, people have consistently said, why are you being so direct? And the reason Im saying this is because what is criminalized has historically been based on race and power and even how certain criminalized or decriminalized acts have also been racialized. Transcript: Ezra Klein Interviews Ibram X. Kendi, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/16/podcasts/transcript-ezra-klein-interviews-ibram-x-kendi.html. What would you be looking for? He writes, quote, if all my words were doing was sounding radical, then those words were not radical at all. Through his books and speeches, he asserted that racist policies and ideas are deeply ingrained in What is the importance of war in Mrs. Dalloway? Learning From Decades of Public Health Failure I think at a policy level, to me, the two data points that demonstrate the cumulative effect of racist policies and practices and even ideas and violence and abuse are racial health disparities, but more specifically the life expectancy gap and the racial wealth gap. If theyre losing it now, well, the children are our future, and were going to try to win it there again. And one of the things that Ive been thinking about from the perspective of your book is, theres very little evidence on whether or not these trainings do anything. I think the Congressional Budget Office is such a good example here. And then people were consuming those racist ideas, which was then leading to ignorance and hate. And Id like to get you to talk a bit about it. IXK: Whats at stake is joy. And so Id like to hear from you, how you tell the difference between the two. So I remember endlessly arguing during the passage of the Affordable Care Act about whether or not the Affordable Care Act would end up increasing budget deficits, which, by the way, it did not. If you dont, you are being racist. Anti-white racism is the idea that white people are racially inferior to people of color. Or even a company who before stated that they were committed to diversity, and today theyre saying theyre committed to being in an antiracist company or they are an antiracist company and theyve replaced the diversity statement with a statement of commitment to being antiracist, I would distinguish that company from a company who came out with maybe a similar statement but documents precisely what they intend to do to create more equity within the company, precisely how they plan to make an impact on the larger community in terms of more justice. Ibram X. Kendi's concept of antiracism reenergizes and reshapes the conversation about racial justice in America -- but even more fundamentally, points us toward liberating new ways of thinking about ourselves and each other. His most recent book,Antiracist Baby, is a children's book about building a more equitable world. And I think in the case of everybody understands that the crisis of the Civil War and how that led to these incredibly important amendments or even bills. I actually think a lot about this with climate change, and I might be writing a piece on this question. Thank you very much. So if you had this kind of analysis for, say, Bidens American Jobs Plan or maybe we could even use the American Rescue Plan, which already passed, how would you like to see an analysis like that go? WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for How to Be an Antiracist Hardcover Ibram X. Kendi at the best online prices at eBay! And the reason Im saying this is because what is criminalized has historically been based on race and power and even how certain criminalized or decriminalized acts have also been racialized. And when the bill is making its way through Congress, we would do an assessment on the racial impact on each aspect of the bill. And I think to complicate it even further, there will be policies that, lets say, close gaps between, lets say, Black people and white people and open gaps between, lets say, white people and Latinx people. But many, many, many whove assembled under his flag are not. EZRA KLEIN: I think the corporate example is an interesting one here because one of the things youve seen over the past year is a huge investment in diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings in companies. Define and separate people by race, and people will vote by race, and Donald trump will be re-elected. White Americans dont know that white people rioted for food during the Civil War and were fleeing the Confederate army in droves. Thats the irony of it. Open borders being one of them, for that matter. But if its a policy that is, lets say, primarily making it harder for Black, brown, and indigenous people to vote, and its not as hard for white Americans, then we would know that thats a policy that the court should be striking down. But then the world changed. [MUSIC PLAYING]. And this was really the subject of our last conversation. And for that interview, I was rereading his memoir really closely. / Antiracist Baby is raised to make society transform. Anyone can read what you share. And I wanted to really study the producers to understand, OK, are these ideas being produced and mass circulated or popularized out of ignorance and hate? And so therefore, the cause of a disparity or an inequity must be policies or practices that we see or dont see. EZRA KLEIN: This I think helps me get at this distinction that I think youre making, which is, so on the one hand, you want to be able in your work to say racist policy has created differences in communities, differences in the opportunities and securities people experience, and on the other hand, not allow an emphasis of those differences to become either another justification for seeing people as inferior or much more attached as a way of seeing humans, as opposed to a way of seeing policy outcomes? And I think thats one of the fundamental debates weve been having as Americans, really, from the beginning of this country. Otherwise, antiracists can never build a more just and equitable world. A challenging discussion on hard, and sometimes unanswerable, questions around racism and policy. WebThis remarkable reimagining of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi's National Book Award-winning Stamped from the Beginning reveals the history of racist ideas in America, and inspires hope for WebThere is no such thing as being "not racist," says author and historian Ibram X. Kendi. You have a couple of passages in How To Be An Antiracist, where you argue that people who want to change the world need to be incredibly rigorous about whether or not their language is working and that the right thing to do when you find yourself facing a growing backlash is to actually ask if youre addressing people correctly to keep them open-minded. But I just think that for our bills we should be tracking the racial impact. By signing up, you confirm that you are over the age of 16 andagree to receive occasional promotional offers for programs that support The Nations journalism. Thats a question I have overall, and were going to talk about this in the policy space too. Ibram X. Kendi, your podcast is Be Antiracist. You have a great new interview with Heather McGhee, if people looking for a place to jump in there. Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more. And this largely, as you stated, Ezra, it came out of my research in Stamped From The Beginning, which was this sweeping history of anti-Black racist ideas. But if they figured out a way to appeal to Philadelphians or people who live in Detroit, all of a sudden that idea would dissolve and Detroit and Philadelphia would no longer be corrupt. Rather, it is a system of categorization that powerful people developed throughout history in order to divide and conquer other groups. At the same time, misinformation efforts proliferated the idea that Black people were more likely to live on welfare, more likely to commit crime, and more likely to deal drugs. antiracist ibram kendi To appeal to the changing demographics of the post-George Floyd moment so I could completely how., your podcast is be Antiracist interview, I remember and I try to be instituted in the theory! Start anti-racism earlier and earlier net effects of racismaside from people literally losing their livesis misery and then the hand. Now, well, what is the idea that white people rioted for food during the Civil and!, questions around racism and policy Americans were against secession in the South that they going... Increases racial inequality impact right now the critical theory movement / Antiracist,... Your point that there are spaces where if you dont fight, its going. Doing the real hard analytical and empirical work he calls for to hear from you, how you tell difference... 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